
E3 Trifecta: Kinect Star Wars, Prototype 2, Xcom

? Wow, Kinect Star Wars looks fucking terrible. It looks like an early Wii game, which means it looks like a GameCube game, and not a particularly good one. Ignoring the banality of the gameplay itself — killin’ Battle Droids! Podracing! Arrgh! — the whole draw of the game is of course its Kinect aspect, where players can pretend to actually swing a lightsaber and what have you. Now, as a dude who has pretending to swing lightsabers for over 30 years, I can assure you that I don’t need a shitty game to do so. Oh, and Kotaku says the Kinect aspect barely works anyways, so… Teras Kasi, anyone?

? Much like Darksiders, Prototype was one of my favorite guilty pleasure games of recent years. Yes, the gameplay was horrible repetitive, but when that gameplay involved 1) walking surreptitiously around New York City and eating certain people’s brains for their memories, and 2) jumping inside a flying helicopter, eating the pilot, blowing up a half dozen other helicopters before yours gets blown up, jumping out at the last minute, and then tentacling over to another flying helicopter to repeat the process… well, let’s just say I could happily repeat that gameplay for hours. And I did.

? It’s the FPS Xcom! I’m pretty sure I already bemoaned the fact that it wasn’t a third-person tactical strategy game like its beloved predecessor, so I’ll just say that at least it appears to have the “steal alien tech and use it to kill more aliens” philosophy intact. So that’s something.