Pottermore Revealed (Kinda Sorta)
After teasing it for a few weeks, J.K. Rowling revealed her plans for Pottermore.com… to a certain degree. Right now, we know that:
? It will sell Harry Potter in e-book format
? It will sell Harry Potter in digital audiobook format
? There may be a store with other things in it
? It will contain other stories and facts from the Harry Potter universe that Rowling wrote but never crammed into the books, although whether that will be in short story format or encyclopedia format or what is unknown
? Two of these stories include a young Professor McGonagall falling in love with a Muggle and how the Dursleys met, so they sound really awful
?The website will be “shaped” by its readers, whatever the hell that means
? It will be free (the site, not the digital copies of the books, of course)
So that’s all groovy, I guess? I’m sure some of you were hoping for The Further Adventures of, but I think this is probably for the best. Much better to put the story of how the Dursleys met on a site where I’ll never have to see it than write a new book about a 24-year-old Harry where the Dursley’s relationship is a vital part of the plot. Blegh. (Via the Guardian)