Who Actually Mastered the He-Man Universe?
Well, to hear a lot of people tell it, they did. So who actually created which parts of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe toyline may be lost forever, but it’s not for lack of people taking credit — which happens to be the subject of this fascinating He-Man documentary called Toy Masters, whose trailer is above. I’ve known about the battle since my ToyFare days, and this looks to be an very thorough, even-keeled look on the subject, with interviews of the folks who worked at Mattel at the time, as well as those who worked on the cartoon (which included J. Michael Straczynski for a time). Admittedly, I’m a bit of a He-Man fan, but I was riveted during this entire trailer. For more, the official website is here. (Via Poe Ghostal)