
Yet Another Lizard Look Via Ridiculous Spider-Man Toys


?This time, it’s some kind of pool toy, but it’s the first full-body look at the Lizard to my knowledge. I’m putting it after the jump not really because it’s a spoiler, but because I found this art of the Lizard flushing Spider-Man down the toilet and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t going to use it.

amazing spiderman & lizard.jpg

?These are pool toys, the kind where you throw them in the water, they sink, and kids dive in to pick them up. Whee. Anyways, I’m not going to rehash my previous comments about the Lizard, although I will express my mild disappointment that he’s not wearing pants — monsters wearing pants are 10% more awesome than monsters not wearing pants, and while villains who don’t wear pants seem 35% more evil, it’s not in a fun way. I do, however, want to give a big thumbs up to everyone in the Sony marketing department who decided to wait to reveal the look of The Amazing Spider-Man‘s Lizard until after all his toys have been released. Well done, you guys. Thanks to Poe Ghostal for the tip. (Via Idle Hands)