
This Gotham by Gaslight Game Looks Great, Doesn’t Exist

Back in 2009, Chicago’s Day 1 Studios — best known for MechAssault and F.E.A.R — attempted to get into the Batman business by pitching an Xbox 360 and PS3 game based on the Gotham by Gaslight comic to game developer THQ. For those unfamiliar with the 1989 one-shot, it had Batman battling Jack the Ripper on the streets of circa-1889 Gotham City. As you can guess, it was great reading, and the success of the book resulted in the creation of DC’s Elseworlds titles. While a game in which a somewhat steampunky Batman searched the streets of Gotham for Saucy Jack seems like an inspired idea, THQ didn’t agree and they passed on the project. Some test footage for the game has recently been released and it gives a tantalizing glimpse at how moody and atmospheric the finished project would have been. With titles like Batman: Arkham City and Gotham City Impostors around, gaming fans of the Dark Knight don’t have too much to complain about these days. Yet it still would have been amazing to see a Gotham by Gaslight game hit stores. If only the folks at Day 1 Studios had Batman fight Nessie their pitch would have surely been accepted.