Your Best/Worst Look at Before Watchmen So Far
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“Best” because it’s a lot of pictures, and the pictures are reasonably large and clear. “Worst” because Before Watchmen is a terrible, preposterously mercenary idea that serves as a shining example of how the comics industry treats creators like shit. Now, I understand that comics is a business, and Before Watchmen has the potential to make a lot of money — but pimping out one of comics’ most indisputable masterpieces against the very vocal wishes of the man who created it for you is just awful. Anyways, the art is here is here. I don’t really feel like posting it.
I probably wouldn’t be so mad about it if Jim Lee hadn’t said this in an interview with Collider:
This is not a situation where we have taken things from Alan. He signed an agreement and yet he said ‘I didn’t read the contract.’ I can’t force him to read his contract.
Fuck you. We all know what you’re doing is legal, DC. That doesn’t make it right. Lots of awful things are perfectly legal. So Alan Moore made an assumption that the company he worked for would respect him. A bit naive, certainly, but you’re still the dickbags who are releasing this shit. Alan Moore isn’t holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do it.
It’s worth noting that I’m feeling equally awful about the Marvel/Jack Kirby Avengers situation — where Marvel is releasing a movie that will probably earn a billion dollars, literally, and the guy who co-created them with Stan Lee won’t see a cent. Again, all perfectly legal, all totally dickish. I’m not going to pretend I’m not going to see the movie, because I love the Avengers and it looks like it’s going to be great. But I know a lot of people are boycotting both Marvel and DC for the Kirby/Alan Moore dickbaggery, and I don’t blame them. I’m not there yet, although I’m beginning to think I should be.
Hey Marvel and DC — it sure would be great to enjoy your products without feeling like an asshole.