
TR Haiku Contest: And the Winners Are…

new tr shirts big.JPG

After I announced this weekend’s contest, I immediately felt bad for running a contest that was so self-indulgent. Then I started reading the entries, remembered I’m an incredibly conceited person, and got over it. The haiku submitted to the contest included far less specific FFF references than I expected, but there were plenty of great entries about how FFF makes you feel (bad, sad, drunk, etc.) and more than a few about the site in general, which I appreciated. Surprisingly, very few of you were mean to me, which is nice but now I’m suspicious you guys are planning something insidious. Hmm.

FYI, I will not be offering the new TR shirts in this upcoming weekend’s contest — as you might have heard, there’s a little comic movie coming out on May 4th, so I’ve planned something a little special — so you’ll probably want to stop by. But for now, why don’t you see who won the first of the new TR shirts?

Do these mentions have extra honor because they’re the first official contest with the new shirts as prizes? No, of course not. Don’t be ridiculous.

Dr. Abraxas:

in depths of abyss
in agony tormented
you scream FFF


Dark caves of mystery
Lightens up boron buttocks
R2? Still in there


Bricken sees Bay’s work
Legacy is born.


With typos aplenty
And bourbon from the bottle
Friday is coming


Last month in Vegas 
Adorned in my TR shirt 
No one commented 🙁 
Friday evening here
Boyfriend playing Star Wars game
Not lonely with Rob

I want a t-shirt.
Give me my t-shirt now, Rob.
Or I am naked

Disqus is loading…
Um, Disqus is still loading…
Hurry the F*&%? Up!
Furries on webcam
Inflatable Superman
We have angered Rob

Wasting time at work
I open Topless Robot
Horrible mistake.
I loved you, Japan.
Now thanks to Topless Robot,
Love you no longer.
Ev’ry daily list
Rob’s blamed for omissions, but…
He doesn’t write those.
Fan Fiction Fridays!
There be not enough brain bleach
To cleanse my ruin’d mind.
Thousands of livers
All cry out in agony
Every Friday.

I always wondered
Who got to second base with
The Topless Robot

Mark Poynter:
Chance of winning shirt
Same as Murray reprising
Doc Peter Venkman

My expanding gut
Made my old shirt far too small
It is my wife’s now


Its Topless Robot
Where childhood goes to get raped
Every Friday

Love is lasagna
That’s what I feed to my soul
Love is lasagna

Opened site at work
Front page had Tardis Dildo
H.R. should call soon.
Shameless Pandering
Tron! He-Man! New York Giants!
T-shirt means no shame

The world will not end
Until The Doctor Dances
To Star Wars Kinect

Placeholder. Entries
Not written yet. When I think
Of something, it will go here.

Time for a mash-up
Allons-y, Motherfucker
Time Lord John McClane

Chris Besler:
TR blocked at work
A horrible tragedy
My own Alderaan

Brando Lars:
Robert Jordan Dead
Can of Pringles on each hand
what a way to go

Matt Wells:
Curse you Rob Bricken
O.C.D. dictates: New shirt?
Gotta catch em’ all
In darkest Bat-Cave
Smashy plots to steal away
Our fucking shirts. Prick.

Paul F:
I once won a shirt.
You want to know the secret?

Rob, please don’t punish
me for Michael Fucking Bay.
Love, your sad liver.

Justin Rogers:
Rocket boobs fire
Spouse thinks its a porn site
Only on fridays dear
A FAQ started flood
Rob wanted Michael Bay’s head
Robots dont have balls

Lum the alien
Her hips sway as he jiggles
Watch Rob’s tattoo dance

Abandon all hope,
Fan Fiction Friday readers,
Of healthy boner

Crisp, new TR shirt
I cackled when you arrived
Nerd cred in shirt form!
(Hey buddy, raise eyes.
It doesn’t take that long to
Read words on a shirt)
My go-to clothing
Every weekend, giving me
Years of joy, but now…
My prized t-shirt is
All frayed hemlines and small holes.
Clothe me again, Rob.

After May the 4th
Will Rob finally admit
He likes Joss Whedon
Rob made a new shirt
That means old shirt is vintage
E-Bay here I come

Daily lists daily
Tackling important issues
Namely: Joel or Mike?
A haven for our
News, humour and self-loathing.
Shame about the name

Dirty John:
My fic’s on TR
Who is responsible this?
I wanna know now!

Ming Cheung:
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense
Topless Robot Shirt

A robot had sex
with a whiney, raging nerd,
and this site was born.
These things I require:
Nerd news, humor, self-loathing.
Thanks, Topless Robot
I am a robot.
I am fully nerdified.
Also, I’m topless.
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways…oh wait.
Robots only hate.

Niel J. Jacoby:
One Sunday Morning
All I have’s my TR shirt
Church: super awkward.

The Droids You’re Looking For:
Someone approaches
Close the screen so they don’t think
I like robot porn.

Three college degrees,
What do I spend time doing?
Writing dumb haikus.

I love robot boobs
Oh my God, Topless Robot
Misleading title

Remy Zane:
Fear leads to anger
Anger leads to hate, and then
TR updated

Now everyone knows
has six syllables

Louie Ramos:
Nothing worth saying,
fuck it just post some old vid,
Now to fap to Tron.

Seldom safe for work
Punctuation uneven
Strangely compelling

FFF was fun
Until one day I noticed
I was numb inside

A glowing finger
inches closer to Rob’s face
Why, E.T? Why?

shirt design at best
looks like a pregnancy test
result on your chest

My winning entry
references Arya Stark
Batman and He-man

Robb Briken rites and laffs
At Topples Robut nerdd nues
Editer know si

There once was a man
from Nantucket who did not
fit in haiku form
yeah, the first one was
not about topless robot
still it made me laugh

Why the fuck do i
bother to entry contests? Rob
judges like drunk whore
*hic* And now for the winnersh!


What am I doing?
I’m browsing Topless Robot.
No, it is not porn.
There were many haiku about problems inherent in the Topless Robot name, but this was one of the earliest, and was my favorite to boot. It’s just so simple and elegant, like a good haiku should be.

Daniel Dean:

This trailer looks good
But let’s you and me agree
Stay pissed anyway
I feel like this haiku has looked into my very soul. 

Every nerdy thing
I wanted to see today
And some I did not
And if the previous two winning entries represent the TR name and my blogging philosophy, then dingos8mytardis’ entry best sums up TR as a site. If I ever get rid of the “nerd news, humor and self-loathing” tag, there’s a mighty good chance I’ll replace it with this.
And that, my friends, is that. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who entered! Again, sorry to introduce the new shirts and then immediately have a sponsored contest, but when you see this upcoming weekend’s contest, I imagine you’ll forgive me. If not, whatever. I’m giving away free shit. How upset can you really be? (Don’t answer that.)