Goddammit, Spidey, Shut Up About the Tiny Knives
Another day, another new Amazing Spider-Man trailer that features what is apparently the one quip Spider-Man makes during the entirety of the film. Look, Sony, it was a good line and when we saw it the first time we chuckled, the second time we nodded, the third time we sighed, and now I’m literally dreading seeing this “joke” uttered in the movie because I’ve seen it in all 900 trailers and TV spots since about March. On the plus side, it dawns on me that when Spider-Man bukkakes the hell out of the thief with the tiny knife, he’s not doing it to be a douchebag but instead he’s possibly trying out his webshooters for the first time. Which actually makes perfect sense, and doesn’t make Parker look like a raging asshole. I very much hope this is the case. This won’t fix the whole parents as genius spy scientists/Peter destined to be bitten by a radioactive spider/evil Curt Connors/what the fuck is happening or not happening to Uncle Ben situations, but I’ll pretty much take what I can get at this point. (Via Blastr)