SDCC: The Punisher Made a Punisher Fan Flick
Say what you want about actor Thomas Jane, but the man is a nerd. He just put up his own money to make a 10-minute Punisher fan flick starring himself as Frank Castle, and even got Ron Perlman to make an appearance. Whether it’s a treat for the fans or he’s not-so-subtly telling Marvel he’d like the role again, it’s still a cool thing for him to have done.
Of course, the problem with Jane’s fan flick is the same problem that I had with Jane’s Punisher movie, and that’s that he’s spends upwards of 70% of his time not punishing anybody. Seriously, dude, women and children are getting beat up right outside, and you need a pep-talk from Perlman before you decide to go do something? YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PUNISHER. WHY ARE YOU SO RELUCTANT TO PUNISH PEOPLE? Still, at least here I didn’t have to meet any of Frank Castle’s wacky neighbors, so I guess that’s something. Thanks to everyone who sent in the tip.