
Better Dredd Than… Uh… Something Else That Rhymes with Dredd

Yahoo assembled this little look at Karl Urban’s upcoming Dredd movie and its origins as a comic in 2000 A.D., and even if you don’t want or need a bit of Judge Dredd’s background, there’s some new, good-looking footage, too. But the real news is that Judge Dredd creator John Wagner has seen the movie, and approves wholeheartedly. His verdict:

I went up to London yesterday to see the completed Dredd film. I’ve had reservations about certain aspects of it, and made them plain to the team at DNA. All but one of them – a little quibble at the beginning – have been addressed. And what a lot they’ve added. Music is on the button. SFX are excellent. Filming is impressive. I’ve not seen a modern 3-D movie before but I like it. I found myself reaching out trying to touch things that were dancing before my eyes. Karl is a great Dredd and Olivia gets Anderson completely. This is Dredd as it should be done – true to character, visceral, unrelentingly violent (but not off-puttingly so). It will open, I believe, sometime in September. No doubt you’ll let me know what you think when you’ve seen it, but this has my recommendation.

Nice! I especially like the part about the “quibble at the beginning” — if he’s willing to mention a very small thing that didn’t meet his approval, then I think we can trust that he would have no problem pointing out anything else he felt was off. Plus, Wagner doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would toe any company line. After Hollywood put Rob Schneider in the first Judge Dredd movie, I imagine he’s earned that. (Via Nerd Bastards)