Marvel Animation Trifecta: Iron Man and Hulk, Rise of Technovore, Avengers Assemble
? The trailer for Marvel Animation’s first straight-to-DVD release in quite a bit, Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United, is here and boy, it does not look very good. Lackluster CG, not particularly clever dialogue, lots of indistinguishable robots often moving in the exact same manner to fight… this is the sort of thing I’d be okay with on a weekly CG cartoon, like Green Lantern, but is pretty shitty for a special release.
? But that’s okay, because the first trailer for the Iron Man anime movie Rise of Technovore is also here, and it looks… well, just slightly better than okay. It could be cool, or we could spend half the movie looking at Tony’s motionless head inside his Iron Man helmet. There’s no telling. All I know is that I have yet to understand why the fuck Punisher is in this. (Via ANN)
? Last and probably least is the first look at the character designs for the new Avengers Assemble cartoon. Which I hate. And I hate it for no other reason than that I’m still immensely bitter about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. When I saw the designs for EMH, I was upset about the faux-Bruce-Timm-ness. Now I’m bitter at these new, generic, “realistic” designs. Totally contradictory, I know. Incredibly hypocritical, if not outright nonsensical. I know. Don’t care. Fuck Avengers Assemble. (Via MTV)