Today in Superhero Movie Casting Rumors
There’s an oddly large amount of casting rumors going on for a variety of superhero movies this week. Normally I don’t like reporting rumors, but at least this time there’s enough of them that it at least a couple of them may end up being true. So…
? Armie Hammer is supposedly WB’s choice to play Batman in the mostly non-existent Justice League movie. This is noteworthy because Hammer was actually set to play Batman in George Miller’s shitcanned Justice League movie from a few years back. (Via Cinema Blend)
? The Daily Mail says that Joss Whedon is looking at either Emily Blunt or Ruth Wilson, who played the sexy crazy lady in Luther, to play Ms. Marvel in Avengers 2. I loved Wilson in Luthor, but I can’t see her as Carol Danvers, so I’d prefer Blunt out of the two. It’s probably moot, because the Daily Mail makes shit up all the time, but I love Ms. Marvel and think the Avengers need her, so I hope this actually has some truth to it.
? Sony offered Shailene Woodley the role of Mary Jane in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. More interestingly but far less concrete is the rumor that Electro will be the movie’s villain. Less interestingly but more concrete is the rumor that Harry Osborn’s also going to show up. Yay. (Via Screenrant)
? Nerds have gone semi-crazy at X-Men movie producer Lauren Shuler Donner’s comment that she’d love to do an X-Men/Avengers crossover, and that she’s good pals with Marvel Studios exec Kevin Feige, which means a conversation could actually take place. But I wouldn’t get too excited, because I’m sure Marvel would want Fox to get an actual decent X-Men continuity established first — and one that’s set in the present. More importantly, the amount of money that would be necessary to pay all the stars in an X-Men/Avengers film would probably make any movie exec shit themselves in terror. I wouldn’t hold your breath, is what I’m saying. (Via FilmDrunk)