
New Presidential Monsters are Coming

From the popular Mego-style line of mash-ups, meet “Martian Van Buren”…


It’s a good pun, but it also indicates that the “A-list” of popular presidents to make into monster toys might be a short one. The company that already brought you Baracula, Zombush, Creature from the Watergate Lagoon, and the Phantom of the White House (JFK), are having to dig deeper, and even rehash some puns (FrankenFord is coming!).

Still, Jacksferatu and Yeti Roosevelt made me smile.


Expanding the line beyond presidents, however, is only a good idea if you do it in timely fashion.


Strictly as a toy, Romney the Robot is kinda cool. But who is going to buy one at this point? Ditto Algor an Inconvenient Assistant, Hillvira and Van Palin (well, Hillvira may become relevant again, but the others are unlikely to). Why not a Gingrinch Who Stole Christmas, Children of the McCain, or John Carrie? (Copyright issues, I know.)

For more Presidential Monsters photos, including a line of non-posable mini-monsters, check out Presidential Monsters on Facebook.