3.75″ Doctor Who Action Figures Revealed
We heard about these back around Toy Fair time, but they’ve been holding back on at least one: the Ice Warrior. It’s also the first time I’ve seen the new Gaiman-version Cyberman figure.
Toys in the UK cost about twice as much as they do over here, so I’m surprised it’s taken this long to reduce the scale of the figures and cut costs. Yes, it means collectors may have the annoyance of starting all over again in a new scale – however, these will be more compatible with the old Dapol line, and you can finally have the Doctor take on Darth Vader if you like.
The whole set can be preordered for $69.99, which puts them at more than $10 a figure. That strikes me as a little steep, but then again back in my day flibbidy blibbidy blah.
If I were one of those kids on new Who, I’d ask to go back in time and buy, like, a Kenner Alien figure while it’s still on the shelves. And several Eternia playsets. But nooo, going somewhere that endangers your lives is way more sensible. Dumb kids today.