Machete Kills, but Will the Movie?
Aside from listing off every cast member, this is really the trailer’s main joke:
I really wish the first Machete had maintained the look and feel of the original fake Grindhouse trailer – it started as that, but then segued into the usual Robert Rodriguez cheap-ass green-screen look that has only ever really worked in Sin City. Grindhouse movies were cheap-ass, but they could never have used digital effects or soundstages like that.
The Lindsay Lohan casting choice this time around is Mel Gibson, I guess (more so than “Carlos Estevez,” who still has a show) – when you’ve burned every bridge in Hollywood, Rodriguez will always hire you for a gimmick part (see also Lohan, Lindsay; and consider inquiring about Sin City 2, Farrah Abraham’s agent).
Trailer’s after the jump – I’d be happy to skip this installment and skip straight to Machete Kills Again and its promise of space and lightsabers. That said, I still have hope, and I’m proud of Rodriguez for having actually finished one of the 50,000 projects he keeps saying he’ll do.