Betty Boop Will Become a Zombie Because Goths Like Her, or Something
Marvel superheroes becoming zombies was shocking, because it ran totally counter to their good-guy values. Archie becoming a zombie is funny because it’s Archie.
But King Features Syndicate turning the ’30s animated sex symbol into a zombie? This feels like a big, cynical, and too-late leap onto the bandwagon – not to mention just a little uncomfortable given that there’s a slight whiff of necrophilia to it.
Betty Boop, one of the most iconic animated characters in history, is getting an all-new treatment that will take the brand into unexplored territory – Betty Boop Zombie Love. With a new style guide and art treatments, the wide-eyed beauty is clearly a victim of the zombie craze currently infecting the world. This brand extension follows a significant deal with Joyrich to introduce the timeless character into fashion boutiques across the country.
As the image above suggests, I do think it’s possible they saw how Drawn Together savaged the character in its portrayal of Toot Braunstein, a Norma Desmond-like tyrannical glutton way past her prime, and wanted in. Or they’ve just been to tattoo conventions, seen lots of Bettys and zombies, and figured why the fuck not. What’s the worst that can happen?
Note to the estates of Elvis, Johnny Cash and Kurt Cobain: NO.