Family Guy Giant Chicken Fight Reenacted by Stuntwomen
Family Guy Giant Chicken Fight Reenacted by Stuntwomen
It’s not an EXACT restaging: on a budget of $2800 – all of it raised on Indiegogo! – these ladies presumably weren’t able to commandeer a raisable bridge or an ocean liner.
But they have commandeered our hearts (Awwwww!). Because beating the crap out of each other in reverse-gender cosplay always does that.
Watch the original and the reenactment after the jump.
via The AV Club
About The Author
Luke Y. Thompson has been writing professionally about movies and pop-culture since 1999, and has also been an actor in some extremely cheap culty and horror movies you will probably never hear much about (he is nonetheless mostly proud of them, as he met his wife on one). As editor of The Robot's Voice since 2012, he can take the blame for the majority of the site's content, all of which he creates because he loves you very, very much. (Although he loves nachos more. Sorry.)
Prior to TRV, Luke wrote for publications that include the New Times LA, Los Angeles CityBeat, E! Online, OC Weekly, Geekweek, GeekChicDaily, The L.A. Times, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, and Nerdist