Interviewing a Lego Movie Master Builder, After Morgan Freeman Messes With Me
So I’m sitting in a room at Legoland, with Chris Miller, Phil Lord, Morgan Freeman, Chris Pratt, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks and a couple of the animators. I am going to be the one who gets to ask the second question of the press conference.
Earlier, some fellow bloggers and I had discussed what the lamest question might be, and I put forward the notion that asking Chris Pratt who would win in a fight between his Emmet minifig and his Guardians of the Galaxy Star Lord minifig would fit the bill. That’s the kind of light question that can be a great icebreaker in a one-on-one interview, but takes precious time away from better answers in a group setting.
The first questioner asks Will Arnett about Batman. Jokes are made. The mood seems light.
And then I take the microphone, and I say…
“My question is for any of the actors who want to take it. In preparing for these roles, is there anything unique to the fact that it’s a Lego minifigure you’re playing, like maybe limiting your movements to the articulation of a toy?”
Morgan Freeman: “WHAT?”
Much laughter.
Freeman: “He said it could be taken by who wanted to take it! Chris?”
Chris Pratt: “Um, yeah.”
Elizabeth Banks: “Why would you follow that?”
Pratt: “I mean, because Morgan told me!”
Banks: “Good luck.”
Pratt: “Well, you know, uh…”
Freeman: “That’s good enough.”
Pratt: “Really, is that good?”
Banks: “That’s it.”
And so it was that I ended up asking the lamest question. In retrospect, I should have left off the articulation part.
The Master Builder, on the other hand, had much more to say…
UPDATE: I forgot earlier to thank and credit Brian Gaughan for converting and editing my footage. Couldn’t have done it without him.
On display at the Legoland hotel – the end-credits image of The Lego Movie, which features mini-worlds representing all the main characters: graffiti for Wyldstyle, Batman’s Batcave, 1980s Lego Space for Benny the Retro-Spaceman, etc.
Also: Lego drunks!
Want a better look at that workshop? Here you go…
I might show you some more pictures before the week’s out. Stay tuned.