
GIVEAWAY: Strange Kids Club “Turtle Kong” Limited-Edition T-Shirt Boxed Set


Like fan clubs of old, the Strange Kids Club has this special set inspired by your favorite martial-arts reptiles, featuring a T-shirt of the foursome paying tribute to a classic New York-menacing monster, mutant stickers, green “gooze” and a special pizza box case.

After today, this will no longer be available to buy anywhere. But until next Friday at noon, you have a chance to win one. You must have a U.S. mailing address and a comment account with an email; if that’s done, the next step is, in comments below, to describe the most Michael Bay scene you can imagine being in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Bring your best Bayhem, and the winner gets a version of the sewer-dwelling foursome that is undeniably cooler.