Guardians of the Galaxy News Trifecta: Soundtrack Cover, Yondu, Character Posters
? On his Instagram account, James Gunn just debuted the cover for the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack. It has a terrific retro vibe that perfectly reflects Star-Lord’s obsession with the music from his youth and how it is his only link to Earth. There’s no word on a complete track listing at this time, but it’s probably a safe bet that “Hooked on a Feeling” will be included.
James Gunn/Marvel Studios |
? Meanwhile, over on Facebook, Gunn uploaded the above teaser image of Michael Rooker as Yondu from the film. Ooh. Shadowy!
Marvel Studios |
? Finally, Screen Rant has character posters for several of the film’s leads, including Rocket Raccoon. This movie is easily my most anticipated of the summer, and my excitement continues to increase with each subsequent bit of information that is released. How about you?