
Starlog Returns, Online…But Is It up to the Task?


We love Starlog here at TR. Not just because it nourished our nerd-news-starved brains in the pre-Internet era, but also because our own Sherilyn Connelly has made it a semi-regular feature to mine the archives and see how well they did in retrospect.

So I want to welcome them back with open arms as they announce the relaunch of the brand as an online publication. But so far, all they’ve unveiled is the first of what will apparently be a weekly column about Marvel movies (yes, weekly – it’s hard to believe they’ll have sufficient fodder. I strain sometimes to write a wrestling column each week, and that has a constant supply of new content) featuring such you-already-knew-this tidbits as…

One would say a BLACK PANTHER film would be a long time coming, yet it’s possible that the delay may come from Marvel’s inability to find a director who could handle the character sensitively while simultaneously making the character still badass and believable. Others could say Marvel should take the opportunity to add a female hero, like Ms. Marvel, to their ever-growing cinematic roster, with a female director to match.

I can tell you really don’t want to bite the hand that feeds, editorial writer Ken Hanley, but the point of an editorial is that we know by the end what YOU would say. If Starlog is to survive in the Internet realm, it can’t do it by simply reprinting the studio line and hedging your own bets.

h/t Edwin Santos