
Fake “Banned” Trailer for Kickstartering 1996-Style Shooter Is EXTREEEEME!


Strafe bills itself as having “BLEEDING EDGE GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY, 1996?” with its polygonal visuals, non-stop shooting, ever more insane weapons and even an easter-egg Wolfenstein parody level. But the best part of all is the retro trailer – while absurd in content, it gets the visual style just right, and in a world of Robert Rodriguez fake-grindhouse movies that don’t look like they ever got anywhere near film in a projector, the bad video rings true.

If only this were a retro console game – I’d give a lot to have a shooter that only uses ONE joystick and two strafe buttons like the old PS1 Doom.

Now – are you ready to get even more AWESOME and MEGA-CYBER EXREME than the boobs on a Liefeld Captain America? Read on…

h/t SlyDante777