Would Crashing Through a Wall Actually Kill the Kool-Aid Man?
In trying to calculate the actual physics of a giant glass pitcher breaking through bricks, Vsauce’s Jake has concluded that the wall would give way…but Kool-Aid Man would most likely die from blood loss in the process.
I say he is ignoring the obvious point that Kool-Aid Man is a T-1000. Red Kool-Aid is not his blood – it’s his nanomite-filled nectar, designed to inculculate the courtship ritual of sharing drinks into young humans. Until one gives birth to Sarah Connor, at which point he’ll morph into a glass stabby thing and kill her. (“Or mass-poison her and her family in Guyana…” NO. Stop right there. Jim Jones used Flavor-Aid. Get it right, bad nerds.)
Hey, it’s no less logical than his existence to begin with. But you watch and decide.
via Geekologie