
Hateful Eight Trailer Looks Like a Tarantino Take on Clue With Cowboy Hats


I don’t even say that as an insult. Knowing Quentin, who famously never hates any movie, Clue is as likely to be an influence as Sergio Leone.

What is clear is that eight characters are gonna hole up in a cabin and talk, talk, talk…because one of them is not what they seem. QT loves the sounds of his characters voices, and thus far has been fortunate that most of us do too. I am assuming most of the best lines cannot be shared in a trailer for all audiences, because I’d hate to think Kurt Russell’s “I am the hangman, and I am going to hang somebody unless someone wants to stop me from hanging while we’re hanging out. Hang hangity hang hangman,” is the best it gets.

Minus fifty points to Gryffindor for the spelling of “H8ful.”