
Stephenie Meyer Just Re-did Twilight With the Genders Flipped, Because She Has No Other Ideas


Meet “Beaufort” and “Edythe.” If you must.

Meyer explains in her foreword to the anniversary edition of the novel that she decided to go with the gender bending to underscore her position that Bella isn’t a “damsel in distress” as certain critics have charged. Rather, the author insists, the character is a “human in distress,” or as Meyer calls her, “a normal human being surrounded on all sides by people who are basically superheroes and supervillians.”

Or as I call her, a “terrible character” who is “surrounded on all sides by nonsense.” But it seems Meyer has selectively heard her critics.

Meyer also takes issue with the criticism that Bella was “too consumed with her love interest, as if that’s somehow just a girl thing.”

It’s NOT a girl thing. It’s a thing that poorly conceived fictional female characters with no other dimension do.

According to the foreword, the rewrite allowed her to correct some errors that always bothered her and to re-edit the piece for grammar and word choice issues. She also altered some elements of the mythology for consistency.

So, does the hot werewolf NOT fall in love with a baby this time? I guess they have to gender-switch too.

That said, we have an exclusive excerpt to show you. Two pages from the new Twilight book that has had all the errors, bad grammar and inconsistencies removed…