
So Long, and Thanks For All the WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS


I’ve given this site formerly known as Topless Robot three years of my life and hard work, and I wouldn’t trade them. I hoped that covering the subjects and culture that I love would sustain the site. For three years, it has — the three years it took to make The Force Awakens, no less. But all things must end. Today is the The Robot’s Voice’s final day of publication. After years of trying, we couldn’t make this work financially.

Thank you for reading the site, supporting it and creating a community here over the years. I spent more time each day with our regular commenters than I did with my own wife or family, so even though I don’t actually know all your real names, I’ll miss you. Sly, Timely, Abraxas, FakeAss, Gallen, Polk, Mindbender, Zoidberg, Canadian Scott, GrimlockPrime, and everyone else…I’ll never forget you. I stayed up until the early hours of the morning, created social media posts on weekends, ran from dinner tables when news happened, and generally made TR/TRV the focus of my life. You got 100 percent of me, like it or not. And I hope you did.

A big thanks to the folks who became regular columnists: Charles Webb, Kyle LeClair, Jim Dandeneau, Jenna Busch and my mother-in-law…you folks crushed it, always. To my other substitute editors — Chris, Keith, Tom, Jim, Jeffrey, Witney — thanks for being there for me. To my transcriptionist, Peggy, I could not have done it without you.

To all my freelancers — the ones who are still talking to me, anyway — I never had time to sugar-coat things, but you rocked. If I was hard on you, it’s because I knew you could be even better, and I wanted to help get you there.

To Rob Bricken, who built this site with Bill Jensen, and who has always been a gracious passer of the torch, thank you for giving me stewardship of your legacy. I never took that lightly. To my wife and late father-in-law, who always had ideas, much love always.

To my competition in the nerd-blogging world: I was mostly a one-man show, and I managed to go toe-to-toe with all of you for three years. That’s not too bad, right?

I don’t know where I’ll land next. I own a couple of URLs that I might use to start a project of my own, and no doubt somebody can put me to work writing about movies somewhere. Follow my personal Twitter @LYTrules if you want to find out my next moves; just be warned that I sometimes talk politics and religion there, too!

As this site ends, I’m confident I went down swinging. Hard to feel too terrible about that.

Thanks for everything.


P.S. Krampus/PS4 contest winners will still get their prizes. We’ll be contacting winners directly rather than announcing them here.