Weekend Open Thread – Third Time, the Charm
It’s official – I’ve been running this site now for three years. In some ways they’ve gone by like a flash – in others, I can barely remember what life was like before. One of the last things I wrote at my previous job was a breaking-news piece about Disney buying Lucasfilm and greenlighting Episode VII; next week, the movie comes out. I was single (albeit cohabiting) when I started here; married now.
The challenge is always to keep things fresh, and I’m happy to say next week we’ll be debuting a new monthly column that ought to help toward that goal (and no, it’s not by a family member). We certainly shook things up this year, and on my end of things that has helped immensely.
For the next podcast, you can ask me anything about these last three years – just post a question below and hashtag it #podcast. If I can answer it, I will. No anniversary giveaway this year because I’m behind on giveaways and mystery boxes as is…but do make sure to enter the Krampus contest and Kyle’s video game giveaway while you still can.
As this is also an open thread, feel free to bring your own topics as well. Remember, this is our last weekend without an Episode VII in the world.
Here’s to many happy returns.