Star Trek Bead Curtain Might Be the New Nerdiest Thing
I had honestly thought that replicas of swords from D&D Forgotten Realms novels could never be topped for sheer nerdiness. But I think Devorah Sperber might have proved me wrong. Using 25,000 beads and colored thread, she created the above bead curtain?a bead curtain, for God’s sake?of ol’ Cap’n Kirk. Wired says she’s made other similarly Trek-beaded wonders, including the Enterprise, Spock, and the holodeck; she’s also opening a Trek-inspired exhibit today, titled “Mirror Universe,” at Caren Golden Fine Art in New York, where they’ll all show. If anyone goes and sees Klingons examining the art?hopefully with a glass of wine in their hands?please, please, please send me a pic at toplessrobot[at]