
DVD Day: August 17th, 2008

41D6zsynlnL._SS400_.jpg? Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles Complete First Season
I can see why the robots would make a Terminator that looks like an Austrian bodybuilder. But why would they make a Terminator that looks like a waifish, 16-year-old-looking girl? Answer: robots are pedophiles.

? Bleach Uncut Season 2 Boxset
Have you been buying the uncut Bleach box set instead of these uncut season boxsets? You’ve been ripped off. This is $40 for 21 episodes. That’s one hell of a deal for anime.

? The Scorpion King 2
Starring mixed-martial arts star Randy Couture. I know why professional wrestlers become actors?because they’ve done acting. What has Couture learned other than how to hit people and be hit?

? Transformers Animated Season One
If you don’t mind this, then go ahead and buy this set with my blessing.

? Justice League Season One
On Blu-ray, actually. So now you can see Superman stupidly fly into a laser, and sit unconscious for most of the episode until he wakes up at the end and saves everybody…in HD.

? Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers Collection 2
The final 33 episodes. Does anyone know who Jerry Orbach voiced on the show?