Daniel Craig Is Isn’t Is Isn’t a Dangerous Man
No, I’m sure it’s just a phenomenal coincidence than the Chinese-based Loading Toys’ new 12-inch figure?”Dangerous Man / Spy”?bares a passing resemblance to Craig’s Bond in the new Quantum of Solace. Toys R Evil says it best:
I lurve it when toy-makers – specifically 1/6th-scaled producers – do up the likenesses of movie-characters, and offer a name-change to somehow avoid the legality of having a non-licensed character’s likeness being produced in the first place. And this is rampant in Asia; the last bastion of cowboy-town toy-production.
The head can be purchased separately, in case you’d like to put it on a better made 12-inch action figure body, or if you want to make a creepy shrine to Mr. Craig in your basement. I’m sorry?a shrine to Dangerous Man. It’s only $50 here, and comes with the clothes and a few weapons. Also, I feel so much better about Loading Toys’ large banner on its homepage, which cries, “We love figures and toy factory, but we refuse to piracy and copying. … If they sold, please tell us. we will take legal measures!” Good to know, guys!