DVD Day: March 31st, 2009
Today is my birthday. I say that not to beg for birthday greetings — although I’d be down with a few — but because today’s DVD Day offerings are so lame that my birthday actually might genuinely be more interesting to you. I’m not too concerned, personally, because I believe my copy of Venture Bros. Season 3 and my long-awaited copy of Fallout 3 are arriving today as a birthday treat. Hope you guys are similarly occupied.
? The Real Ghostbusters Vol. 1
The one real gem of the week, a 4-DVD set of the cartoon for those who didn’t pony up for that massive firehouse box set. Contains 30 episodes and 3 hours of extras.
? The IT Crowd: Complete Season One
One of those hilarious British sitcoms about six people in America watch.
? Pok?mon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
The new movie, which features both Giratina and the Sky Warrior. I know, I couldn’t believe it either.
? One Piece: Season One, Fourth Voyage
Okay, this contains the end of the best One Piece storyarc of the entire series (that I’ve seen), the Arlong saga. I swear I’m done pimping this series now, because only even less people are buying it than watching The IT Crowd.
? Cthulhu
As we discussed, this is an H.P. Lovecraft movie which actually stars Tori Spelling, and yet has not totally been despised by horror fans. Unsettling!