Who the @#$% Are the Dark X-Men? (Updated)
Okay, Marvel. I was down with your Dark Avengers. Although it was kind of clunky to have Obama give control of SHIELD to a convicted murderer just because the last person he happened to murder was the big bad Skrull of Secret Invasion, it was like Thunderbolts taken to the next level. I approved. So what the hell is this Dark X-Men crap?
I may get some of these guys wrong, so feel free to correct me in the comments: the Wolverine is Daken (Wolverine’s evil son currently also running around in Dark Avengers), Emma Frost (in black, for some reason), Cloak and Dagger (which, okay, I’ve actually wondered why they were never on an X-team before), Mimic (the guy the Angel wings who is not Angel, according to the readers of Robot 6), Professor X (who’s actually always seemed enough of a dick that I’m down with him being genuinely, transparently evil for once), and… Namor.
Namor. Sub-Mariner. Prince of Atlantis. Fish-man. Hater of surface dwellers. Pal to Captain America. Asshole. Massively entertaining character. But not, in any way, shape or form, a mutant. Look, Marvel — I’m already predisposed to dislike anything else you slap “Dark” in front of, but to all of a sudden throw Namor into the maelstrom of nonsense that is the X-stories? Nuh-uh. No thank you.
Update: Apparently Namor’s been a mutant since some point in the ’90s. This is news to me, and makes me cry. But it still doesn’t change my distaste for throwing him into the X-mess. Bleh.