
Christopher Lee Gets Knighted

It’s no secret that I love Christopher Lee. Not carnally, mind you, but I just find the man awesome. He’s played some of the most iconic bad guys in movies. He’s the only guy who starred in Lord of the Rings to actually have read the books beforehand. He was the best villain in the Star Wars prequels (do not fight me on this). By all accounts, he is a brilliant, polite, humble and loving man, who was always a consummate professional no matter his role, and I spend a significant portion of my day thinking about how awesome it would be if he and I were to go on adventures together.

And now he’s a knight.

Lee received the highest honor of the British Empire this past Saturday for his contributions to the dramatic arts, and while it’s long overdue, it’s fantastic nonetheless. Having read his biography a couple of times, I have little doubt he’s utterly honored, and knowing how happy he must be right now genuinely makes me happy as well. Congratulations, Mr. Lee. Excuse me — Sir Lee. (Via E Online)