Movies That Look Better than G.I. Joe, Part 53
I guarantee that Kung Fu Cyborg — the wonderfully straigtforward title to the film whose trailer you saw above — has at maximum, a third of the budget of Stephen Sommer’s G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra film. Probably a lot less. So why does Kung Fu Cyborg’s CG look better (it’s not great itself, but I do thiunk it looks better) than G.I. Joe, and why does the whole thing look way more exciting? These are the mysteries of our times, people.
By the way, it’s worth noting that a lot of the nerd press who have seen the Joe movie this week don’t just like it, they love it. I kind of refuse to believe it’s going to be good — certainly, none of the clips that have come out yet have given me much hope — but I will be watching it with an open mind. Just so you know. Oh, and thanks to Hugo for the Kung fu Cyborg tip.