Fan Fiction Friday: May and Buster the Teddiursa in “Adopting a Cute Bear Cub”
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?Don’t worry. This isn’t at all like the Pok?mon story. It’s simple a Pok?mon story suggested by Peter D. — one with a straightforward title and a horribly straightforward premise: adoption followed my pedophilic bestiality (I just know I’m screwing up TR‘s Google Search results with these goddamn things). Regardless, this isn’t quite as insane as some recent FFF entries, but it should leave you crying in the shower assuming that FFF hasn’t destroyed your soul already.
was a sunny day at the orphange for young pokemon, a lady was walking
towards the door and she entered the building, closing the door behind
her as she walked in with a grin.
The lady appeared to be eighteen years old, she had long blonde hair
and violet eyes, she wore a purple shirt with lettering on the front
that read “I Love Life” in pink letters, blue jeans and sporty tenny
shoes, her height was five feet and five inches tall. She spotted a man
in the room, the man appeared to be thirty years old with short brown
hair and green eyes, he was six feet tall and wore a blue suited
uniform, the man quickly noticed the girl and smiled.
“Hello ma’am, I’m Richard Kennedy, head of the orphange for pokemon,
are you here to adopt a pokemon as your child?” said Richard
“I’m May Summers, we spoke on the phone.” said May with a chuckle.
May held out her hand to shake Richards, he extended his hand and
grabbed hers, shaking it as every other friendly handshake was suppose
to be like, they let go of their hands and Richard lead May down a
Richard came across a room that he and May just stopped right in front
of, the room was filled with young pokemon, some appeared to be
preteens or barely teenagers, the rest of them were little kids,
appearing to be ten and younger. May was thrilled at the sight of all
the cute little pokemon in the room, a warm smile on her face.
“Choose anyone you like, May.” said Richard softly.
May looked around the room, she wanted to choose the cutest one out of
the bunch, a cute charmander was spotted playing with some friends of
his but she was still looking, a pikachu was spotted laughing at a
bulbasaur who was making silly noises. May turned her head to face
“Which one is the youngest?” asked May feeling undecided.
“The youngest one we have here is eight years old.” said Richard pointing out the youngest one.
May turned to look at the youngest one and was overflowed with
adoration, the youngest pokemon she saw was a cute teddiursa, the
teddiursa was spotted sitting all alone, he was by himself near the
couch with a curious expression on his face. The teddiursa was about
two feet and four inches tall, his head reached May’s lower thigh.
“That teddiursa is a boy, his name is Buster.” said Richard with a grim look.
I have a similarly grim look, except mine makes sense in that I’ve know that I’m about to read about May fucking Buster the teddiursa. I would hope that if Richard knew what was about to go down, he’d have called Officer Jenny or something.
“We found Buster wondering around outside by himself, we found out his
mother was killed in a forest fire when he was a baby, he’s been with
us since age four.” said Richard quietly.
After hearing the story about Buster’s past, she made her decision. May
wanted to adopt Buster the teddiursa, the little bear cub raised his
and noticed May looking at him with a motherly smile, he blushed deep
“Hey Buster, could you come over here please?” asked Richard politely.
Buster hopped off the couch and ran towards Richard, he reached the
spot where May was standing at and waited for Richard to say something,
an adorable grin on his face. May bent down and grabbed Buster by the
waist, lifting him up into her loving arms as she hugged him.
“Richard, this pretty girl is hugging me, I kinda like it, who is she?” asked Buster in his child like voice.
Teddiursa’s can’t talk, can they? I mean, like every
Pok?mon except Meowth, a Teddiursa can only say the syllables in its
name, right? This upsets me. I know it’s hardly the most upsetting
thing in this story, but basically I feel the author is cheating to
make this story even worse
The sound of Buster’s voice was child like and sounded like he’s
chuckling with every word he said. May kissed him on the cheek, making
Buster smile and his adorable dark eyes sparkle, he giggled cutely.
“Guess what Buster, your getting adopted today, the lady here is May, she’s going to be your momma.” said Richard eagerly.
A cute grin spread across Buster’s face, he leaned his head on May’s
big chest, her boobs were big and soft, feeling like a pillow to him.
Buster hugged her back, nuzzling his head with a giggle.
“Yay, I get a mommy.” said Buster eagerly.
May was happy as a puppy play fetch, she smiled and gave Buster a
gentle ear rub, the feeling of his ear being rubbed by such gentle
hands was relaxing, he giggled adorably and enjoyed the feeling.
“That feels good, momma.” murred Buster gently.
But was May using the proper equipment?
“How far to our home, momma?” asked Buster curiously.
“It’s not that far from here, your gonna love your new home.” said May in a cute tone.
She walked the whole way towards her house while she carried Buster in
her arms, he felt excited to have a new home and a mother to care for
him. Buster suddenly caught sight of May’s big breast, her boobs were
really big, probably larger than usual, he blushed a deeper shade of
pink with a smile, he layed his head on them to rest his head.
“Mommy, what is love?” asked Buster adorably.
If you just want to kill yourself now and save yourself a great deal of anguish, go right ahead. I wouldn’t blame you.
“Love is when you care about someone really much, when
you love someone, you wanna do anything for the one you love. I love
you, which is why I chose to adopt you, that’s an example.” said May
explaining it all to him.
Buster managed to understand every word May said, even the meaning of
her explanation to love. May grinned and nuzzled her head against his
cheek, making him giggle even more. Buster smiled happily, he seemed to
love being loved on by May, her loving nature made him feel safe and
“That tickles mommy.” giggled Buster in his cute voice.
“Oh, your ticklish?” said May playfully.
May began to move her hand down to Buster’s stomach, she start to
gently tickle him, playfully giggling as he squirmed from being tickled
by his human mother, his laugh was cute and adorable, so was his smile.
“Hahahahaha, mommy your making my belly all tickley.” laughed Buster happily.
You know, there’s not gallons of tree-semen falling from the skies, but I find this far more depraved than last week’s FFF.
“Who wants a kiss from mommy?” said May giggling.
“I do.” laughed Buster.
May stopped tickling Buster and planted a kiss on his lips, her lips
were planted on his. Buster wanted to fight it off but quickly gave in,
feeling mesmerized by his first kiss, they held the kiss and every
second that kiss passed by was heaven to Buster, he couldn’t get enough
of his first kiss. May finally pulled away and smiled, giving him a
lovable hug.
“That’s my good boy.” said May in a cute voice.
They came to a stop, both of them arrived at the entrance to May’s
town, smiles lighting up their faces as May walked towards the
direction of her home. Buster saw each house they passed by, the
neighborhood was beautiful, each house had a beautiful garden or a
beautiful looking home, the sight of the neighborhood only made Buster
smile excitedly.
“Where’s your house, mommy?” asked Buster curiously.
“Right here.” answered May pointing to the house she stopped in front of.
The house May and Buster stood in front of was a beautiful brick house,
she walked towards the door and went inside, closing the door behind
her as she made her way to the couch and plopped on top of it, hugging
Buster closely to her and nuzzling his head.
“Welcome to your new home, my little cuddley bear.” said May in a cute tone of voice.
Buster felt safe and secure in his new home, his new mother began to
stroke his belly gently, making him murr in relaxed tone. May just
wanted to snuggle her adopted bear cub all day, she couldn’t get enough
of how cute he is, she suddenly started to feel some heat building up
in her body, making her feel hot.
“Is it hot in here to you?” asked May.
“I feel fine.” said Buster as he felt no body heat rising up.
May started to remove her shirt, after she removed it, her big boobs
were exposed, her breast size was 106 cm, cup size DD-E or larger.
Buster was now completely mesmerized at the size of May’s massive sized
boobs, he blushed with a curious expression.
“Wow.” said Buster amazed.
“Wow what?” asked May when she realized what Buster meant.
It was the size of May’s breast that caught Buster’s full attention.
May smiled playfully at him, she knew what he meant by what he said
just now, she knew that her boobs somehow hypnotized him enough to make
him stair at them without looking away for a second.
“I see you noticed my milk junkies.” said May in a sexy tone.
Congratulations, author Brickhousebunny21. You’ve just used one of the few expressions in the English language which do not describe breasts. “Milk junkies?” For fuck’s sake.
Buster nodded his head, the sight of her boobs would
hypnotize any man nearby. May wiggled her chest and they bounced,
making Buster’s head stair at the them and he moved his head in the
direction of where they moved when suddenly a hardening feeling grew
inside him, now his hardening feeling stopped as May staired at his six
inched long shaft, the sight of his cock was making May turned on, she
smiled playfully at Buster. Buster looked up at May, he was curious in
what would happen next.
“I see my little cub is excited, I can fix that.” said May playfully.
May layed Buster on the couch, sitting next to her, she leaned her head
down and suddenly wrapped her mouth around his entire length, her mouth
engulfed his whole shaft as she started sucking him off. Buster moaned
in pleasure, he never felt anything like this before, sending
shockwaves of pleasure through his little body.
“Mommy, your mouth is tickling my wee wee.” moaned Buster as he felt his lower body tingle with pleasure.
Why? What makes a Brickhousebunny21 write not just a tale of pedophilia, not just a tale of bestiality, but of combining the two so I have to copy and paste a goddamn teddy bear talking about “mommy” sucking off his “wee wee”? Unless he was raped by Snuggles the Fabric Softener Bear as a child, I don’t think there’s any excuse.
Buster was feeling turned on as he experience his first
blow job, he giggled cutely as May licked the underside of his cock,
which made Buster giggle even more. Small amounts of heat builded up in
his balls, he moaned in pleasured tone as May’s tongue tickled his
shaft, tension slowly building up in his balls.
“Oh mommy, my body feels all tingly.” moaned Buster now showing a smile on his face.
All of Buster’s moaning of pleasure just made May suck harder but a
little gently, making sure she won’t hurt his cock. May was just
licking and sucking him off, making Buster’s legs become slightly stiff.
“Mommy something feels weird but it kinda feels good.” gasped Buster as the feeling of his climax started building up.
May started bobbing her head up and down as she knew that Buster’s
orgasm was getting closer, he curled his toes a little in pleasure,
twitching his feet slightly as the pleasure increased. Buster was in
heaven as his climax quickly builded up, he was blushing deep pink, a
pleasured smile spread across his face, since Buster is young and
little, his climax from his first blow job was building faster, he
began to puck his hips as his first orgasm took control of his little
“Momma, I’m gonnna…..gonna……I’m gonna pee.” moaned Buster his lower body tingling with massive pleasure.
Get it? Buster doesn’t understand what’s happening BECAUSE HE’S ONLY A LITTLE POKEMON TEDDY BEAR ARRRRRRGGHHH GAAHH
Buster blasted his hot seed into May’s mouth, she tasted
his honey sweet cum and swallowed it, she swallowed his load greedily
until his peak subsided, since he’s young his flow didn’t last long, it
lasted for a minute. May pulled her mouth off but Buster’s shaft was
still hard and ready for more.
“What happend mommy?” asked Buster panting lightly, his cheeks still blushing deep pink.
“You just had your first orgasm, you didn’t pee in my mouth, you cummed
in my mouth. When you feel that tingling feeling, you cum this white
stuff called sperm, it’s supposed to feel good.” said May explaining
what happend.
“I like orgasms, could we do it again?” asked Buster smiling.
That line never works for me.
May nodded her head and started to take off her shoes and socks,
placing them on the floor, then she started to pull her pants and
underwear off, exposing her wet, dripping hole. She smiled playfully at
Buster. May layed back and on the couch, giggling playfully.
“Put your cute bear cock in my hole.” said May playfully as she instructed him what to do.
I haven’t used that line but I don’t think it would work either. At least I hope not.
Buster walked up to May and crawled on top of her, placing his shaft
all the way into her vagina, he moaned at the soft feeling of her inner
walls surrounding his length.
“Oh mommy, what do I do now?” giggled Buster in pleasure.
“You go in and out, keep going and don’t stop.” said May moaning.
Buster did as he’s told and slowly thrusted his cock in and out of May,
he moaned as he felt pleasure heat up his body like before. May’s
insides were squeezing his shaft, they squeezed harder and harder with
each thrust from Buster, he moaned in pleasure as his whole body
tingled from bliss.
“Oh mommy, this feels good, your body makes me feel all good inside.” said Buster moaning playfully.
“Oh yeah, that’s good Buster, keep going.” moaned May lustfully.
Even though Buster was a virgin, he was feeling his whole body tingle
with pleasure as he kept thrusting in and out of his adoptive mother.
Buster was moaning as heat and tension slowly builded up in his body,
he had no idea how good he’s gonna feel when he blows his load hard
into May.
Oh, that’s right. This is all totally fine because the underage bear is fucking his adoptive mother. Whew! And I thought this might get kinky!
“This is tickling my body, this could be a while.” moaned Buster in his cute voice.
“Oh yeah, faster Buster, go faster for mommy.” moaned May placing her hands over Buster’s shoulders for support.
Buster did as he’s told and went faster, applying more pressure to his
thrusts which made May and him more horny. The sight of Buster’s smile
was cute, his eyes had a warm expression in them as he felt really
horny inside, to him it felt like someone was massaging the insides of
his sex organs, he was feeling warm and tingly. May started to rub his
shoulders, using her thumbs to rub his soft nipples which tickled
Buster’s chest, making him moan louder.
“Massaging the insides of his sex organs”? I wish there was a law that people couldn’t right erotic fan fiction until they actually had sexual intercourse. Of course, if I had a wish for an erotic fan fic law, I’d just round them all up and drop them off on some Pacific island, where they could fuck each other and the palm trees and the sand or whatever the objects they decide is feeling horny that day.
“Buster, ohhhhh my god, how do you feel?” moaned May curiously.
“Hot and wet, but in a good way.” giggled Buster playfully with a moan.
The tension and heat of Buster’s pleasure began to increase, he pounded
his shaft into May harder, starting to thrust at rapid speed. May
rubbed his hardening nipples eagerly, the pleasurable feeling in her
body was kicking in as did Buster’s body. Buster was in a world of high
pleasure, he kept on thrusting in and out at rapid, lightning speed, he
thrusted as hard as he could, the both of them bucking their hips
against eachother.
“Mommy, I feel something is about to coming out.” moaned Buster loudly.
“That’s good, ohhhh ahhhh, your gonna cum real soon.” moaned May almost screaming in pleasure.
Massive tension was building in Buster’s balls, his balls were boiling
with fresh and hot pokemon seed just screaming to come out of his
little body. May arched her back, cocking her head back as she was
reaching her orgasm really fast, she couldn’t wait for Buster to blow
his sweet load in her hot and sexy body, she held him so close to her
body that Buster could only thrust in and out hard.
“Ohhhhh Buster, shoot your cum into mommy.” screamed May in pleasure.
“MOOOOOOOOMY.” screamed Buster in loud pleasured tone.
One more time for that, I think.
“Ohhhhh Buster, shoot your cum into mommy.” screamed May in pleasure.
“MOOOOOOOOMY.” screamed Buster in loud pleasured tone.
…yeah. Do any TR readers actually have sex on Fridays? Because shit like this just wrecks me. How do you not have Buster the teddiursa screaming “MOOOOOOOMY” in your head the entire time?
Buster shoved his cock all the way in May’s body and
came hard inside her, her insides squeezed his shaft so hard that it
wasn’t long until she came hard too. Buster came long and harder than
before as May’s juices tickled his balls, the both of them came for
what felt like forever until their orgasms came to a holt. Buster
suddenly felt woozy and collapsed on top of May, his length slowly
shrunk back into his tired body as May picked him up by the waist and
held him closely to her body in a hug, his head resting on her massive
boobs as if they were a pillow.
My orgasms came to a holt once, but I had a shot of penicillin and it cleared right up.
About an hour or two later Buster woke up and found himself in May’s
arms, she smiled at him as Buster opened his mouth wide in a big yawn,
no matter what Buster did he looked cute and adorable when he did
whatever, his yawning made him look even cuter as his yawn subsided and
he showed a cute grin at his mother, hugging her back.
“So how did it feel when you were inside me and blown your load?” asked May her voice still sexy.
“It tickled me inside.” said Buster in his cute voice.
May leaned in and planted another kiss on Buster’s lips, this time they
held it for a long time, it was an adorable sight for a hot teenage
girl to kiss a cute bear cub on the lips, the two finally pulled their
lips away and Buster rested his head back on May’s breast, her boobs
were softer than a pillow, the soft boobs made Buster feel woozy again
and he started to fall asleep.
“I love you, momma!” said Buster as he closed his eyes, falling fast asleep.
“Momma loves you too, honey bear!” said May cutely as she gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.
And I love scotch, which will hopefully erase this entire fucking story from my cerebellum.
Buster looked cute when he’s asleep in May’s arms, she held him as if
she was his birth mother, she rubbed his back gently to relax Buster in
his sleep. May knew something about what happend today, she gained a
lover and a son, she also became Buster’s first love, including his
mother. May smiled as she knew now that she’s a mother, she’s gonna
take special care of her sweet little bear cub son.
The end. If you’re planning on getting rid of any stuffed animals you might own, I’d suggest gathering them in a pile and then burning them. If you donate them to charity, you might inspire some new fuck-up kid to write about underage teddy bears fucking grown women.