
The New Phantom Is Still a Menace

Uh… remember how Syfy was rebooting The Phantom with that X-Treme Sports outfit that we saw and mostly hated? Well, there’s a new trailer for it out, and some new shit has come to light. One, it’s made by the same people who are making that Riverworld miniseries we saw the trailer for a few days ago. Two, The Phantom looks like shit. Behold:

Never in my life did I think I would defend the ’96 Billy Zane Phantom movie as a visionary masterpiece, but holy shit it looks like Citizen Kane next to this crap. They’re obviously trying to hit all the superhero clich?s as full-on as they can, especially with evil corporate executive (with the evil goatee) who kills one of his own evil corporate underlings at a corporate meetings because he’s so fucking evil (odds he licks the blood off the sword afterwards: 3-2). And now, having seen the X-Treem Phantom suit in action, I’m ready to pop open a wide-mouth slam-can of Dew and shove it right into my goddamn brain to make this little turd go away. But maybe I’m just grumpy this morning. What do you all think? (Via Sci-Fi Wire)