TR Contest: Tweets from G.I. Joe HQ and the Terrordrome
?You knew it was coming. Actually, I was kind of loathe to do another “tweets” contest so soon after our epically awesome Death Star one, but TR‘s going to be closed on Monday anyways, and the results were so awesome last time, I figured it would be a waste not to have the best contest possible for a three-day weekend.
So: It’s time for tweets from G.I. Joe headquarters and/or the Cobra Terrordrome. This allows you access to make up tweets from pretty much any Joe or Cobra officer you want. If for some reason you make up tweets that can’t be coming from the HQ or Terrordrome, like from the Flagg or a Trouble Bubble over the Pacific ocean or something, they might get an Honorable Mention, but they won’t win. Now, remember the Twitter customs:
? You should start off mentioned who’s tweeting at the beginning, followed by a colon. I.e.:
CobraOfficer2376: Had to go to divorce court today. Raptor grabbed the judge’s toupee and “flew” off. Cindy’s getting the kids.
? If you want to mention another “tweeter,” simply put an “@” in front of their username. I.e.:
DrBendMinder: I swear to god when I find who has @DrMindBender I’ll slit his throat.
? If you want to have someone “reply” to somebody, use the the “@” username combo directly after the tweeter’s name. I.e.:
DestroFoSho: @Baroness You up for a little “clarinet” practice later tonight, my dear?
Last but not least, tweets must be NO MORE THAN 140 CHARACTERS, INCLUDING SPACES… but not including the tweeter’s username (if you’re replying to someone, their username does count). I’m sure this could have been explained better, but if you’re confused, you’re on the internet, look it up.
Again, TR‘s off on Monday, so the contest will run until Tuesday, July 6th, at 12:01 am EST. TR back-up Chris Cummins will be in charge on Tuesday, so I may not be able to post the results until Wednesday or even Thursday. And every gets FIVE ENTRIES PER PERSON, just like last time. Be good, may my fellow Americans have a great holiday weekend, may you foreign people have an excellent weekend as well despite your odd customs of doing things different than we do, and for god’s sake, BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU SIT.