
Crisis on Infinite Hedgehogs


?Andrew C. alerted me to article over at Newsarama. It’s very lengthy and informative, but the news basically boils down t this — the Sonic the Hedgehog comics are getting a Crisis on Infinite Earths-style reboot.

Yes, you read that correctly. The Sonic comics from Archie, which total well over 200 issues by now, have become so complicated and mired in their own continuity issues that they’re rebooting the series. The Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series.

That is fucking wack.

We live in a world where the Sonic comic universe — also known as “Hot Chick Heaven,” of course — has become too complex. Honestly, this disturbs me as much as any fan fiction. Not as much as the Top 10 Sexiest Female Sonic Characters video, of course, but enough that I’m having bourbon for lunch. Although I will admit, called the event “Sonic Genesis” and using the old Sega Genesis videogame cover art style is pretty fucking sweet.