
Harry Potter’s Final Teaser Will Leave You Wanting (Volde)More*

/Film points out this Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 teaser that some copyright-shunning gent or lady ripped from the recently released Part 1 Blu-ray and placed online for all. fan-produced trailer. (Insert cheap joke about how this made your wand move here). The movie will be released on July 15th, which is slowly becoming a nerd day of mourning as Potterians realize that their time with Harry is coming to an end. If you count yourself amongst their ranks, hopefully the movie won’t leave out your favorite bit from the book. And if it does, just remember how painful it was for Douglas Adams fanatics when they had to sit through the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy film.

UPDATE: In the immortal words of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s Vreenak, IT”S A FAKE! The above trailer is, in fact, a fan made creation.

*My apologies for this truly terrible and not even remotely correct pun.