Monthly Archive:: May 2011
TR Contest: The George Lucas Star Wars Name Generator
?NOTE: Topless Robot will be off on Monday for Memorial Day. Just so
Fan Fiction Friday: Xamot and Tomax in “Slave to the Crimson Guard”
?After the 15-chapter epic "Breasts" last week, I hope you don't mind if
A Link to the Past (and the Future, and Then Further in the Future, Then an Alternate Present, and…)
This video starts a bit slow, but it's well worth watching until the
X-Men: First Class Is Gonna Be a Great Movie
?All right, respect. Whatever qualities or problems X-Men: First Class is going to
Don’t Panic (Okay, Maybe Panic, I’m Not Sure)
?Hothead Studios is making a new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game. If
Now the Uncharted Movie Loses a Director, Gets a Reprieve
?A reprieve from sucking, specifically. You may remember that director David O. Russell
Data’s Beats Have Been Programmed for Maximum Phatness
Data rapping about his cat Spot, courtesy of Dan Bull. Warning: This will
The 10 Greatest Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Episodes
?It's been said that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the red-headed stepchild