Breaking News: I Suddenly Give a @#$% About Bloodrayne
EA just sent me an awesome Mass Effect 3 trailer last night. I was all set to post it, then I realized it was the same “Fall of Earth” trailer that debuted at E3 last week and has Shepard yelling “We fight or we die, that’s the plan!” (that’s a shitty plan, by the way) and that everybody’s already seen. So instead I’ll post a different trailer that came out during E3, but that few people have seen — Bloodrayne: Betrayal. Now I know what you’re saying: “What? The game about the sexy vampire who fights Nazis that somehow have never been that good despite the fact they star a sexy vampire who fights Nazis?” Yes, but look!
Bloodrayne: Betrayal is a beautifully animated, HD, 2-D platform action game. There’s a wide variety of monsters to fight. Crazy, trap-filled mazes to jump through. Tons of blood. Beautiful animation. And somehow, the fact that this gorgeously updated throwback to yesterday comes out of the ridiculous Bloodrayne franchise makes it all the more impressive to me. The game comes out on Xbox Live and PSN this summer. Well done, somebody.