The Gary Gygax Memorial Makes Its Saving Throw Vs. the Parks Department
?From the official Gary Gygax Memorial Fund website:
The Gygax Memorial Fund has reached a huge milestone. We have been
granted land for the memorial site at Donian Park. Donian Park is a four
acre open space site which encompasses a wetland and the 100 year
recurrence interval floodplain along the White River in downtown Lake
Geneva. …Although we still need to get the exact location and design approved,
the motion to erect of the memorial in Donian Park was unanimously
passed. Everything’s starting to come together folks.
The potential memorial was described in the City of Lake Geneva Board of Park Commissioners meeting minutes as “a castle turret with a bust on top and possibly [with]a dragon wrapped around the turret,” to be no more than 10 feet by 10 feet, lest any orcs decide to guard their chests there. Jokes aside, it’s very awesome that Lake Geneva is doing this. The official Gary Gygax Memorial Fund website is here, and is taking donations. Much thanks to Christopher D. for the tip.