Nerd Music Trifecta: Adam WarRock, WIZtory Vol. 1, Mega Man Rap
?? Adam WarRock’s newest album “You Dare Call That Thing Human?!” dropped yesterday, featuring the tracks “616” and “Booster Gold.” I’d tell you it’s been in heavy rotation at TR HQ, but that probably goes without saying. You can purchase it here as well as hear a few samples, then check out WarRock’s upcoming tour dates here.
?? My pal and occasional TR contributor Chris Ward released “WIZtory Vol. 1: Rock to Reinstate Gareb Shamus as the One True CEO of Wizard Entertainment” today. It’ a 9-track album all about Wizard magazine and its ill-fated CEO Gareb Shamus. I can’t tell you how much it delights me to my core of my soul. You can listen to it (and buy it) here; it’s only $5, and all the proceeds go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. TR‘s sister site Riverfront Times interviewed Chris about the project here, which I also happen to think is required reading, but I may be a tad biased.
? And, if you’re not in a mood to purchase either of these awesome albums, here’s a disturbingly good rap about (and by) Mega Man and his posse. Much thanks to onlywonderboy for the tip.