Girls Rig the House Like Rube Goldberg in Best Female Construction Toy Ad Ever
I don’t know to what extent stereotypically “female” toys are self selected – I live with a grown woman who can fire arrows over the house and is adept with a rifle, yet still goes into prolonged squees over anything deemed sufficiently pink and cute. Your daughters/wives/cousins may not be like that so much, and Goldieblox has a solution – engineering-based construction toys with storybooks that create a purpose to the building (something girls’ brains respond to, apparently).
I don’t know that the toyboxes themselves scream excitement – but the commercial is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen involving toys, as three little girls create and activate a massive Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson cause-and-effect construction through their entire house. Bonus points for repurposing the early Beastie Boys sexist anthem “Girls” with pro-woman lyrics the later, sensitive Beasties would surely have approved of.
Keep going to see the vid – it really is a must-watch…
h/t GrimlockPrime