Monthly Archive:: April 2008
Indiana Jones: The Lego Toy: The Videogame: The Cartoon to Come to Cartoon Network
Lego Indiana Jones 100Granaby 100Grana
The line of products kind of hurts my head
G.I. Joe: A Real Indian Hero?Wait, What?!
There is a traitor in G.I. Joe's midst, and shockingly,I'm not talking about
Super Terrific Japanese Thing: Funawari Milk-Chan
Please don't confuse this with the surreal and hyper-annoying anime Super Milk-chan. Funawari
Venom Has Turned into a Honky
Entertainment Weekly has revealed an exclusive look at Venom's new design above, and
George Lucas, Master of Terror accidentally made me start drinking before breakfast when they showed the above
The 10 Most Ridiculously Stereotyped Fighting Game Characters
By Todd Ciolek
Street Fighter II has a lot to answer for. Sure, it
Okay, Marvel Has One Good Idea (Boris Karloff Agrees)
...and that's turning their Marvel heroes in the goofiest of all horror villains,
Yeah, He Can Fly (Because He’s Got a Jetpack)
There's a new Iron Man clip out today, but I've decided to show