
The Dragonball Movie Poster Does Not Inspire Confidence

DB the Movie found this movie poster of the live-action Dragonball, which, if you take a look at the subtle eyes up top, hints at James Marsters’ Piccolo. I won’t make the same complaint as I did about yesterday’s G.I. Joe movie poster?after all, there are some vague character attributes like Goku and Bulma’s hair, and Roshi’s Hawaiian shirt, plus there’s an actual Dragonball, even if the Photoshopper decided the Dragonball needed to hover awesomely above Goku’s hand. But I will complain this official movie poster looks like a movie-tie-in coloring book cover, rushed to press from some tiny company in Texas to hopefully hit grocery store shelves at the same time as the flick. It looks like it took about 20 minutes to make.