Monthly Archive:: April 2009
DVD Day: April 7th, 2009
? The Day the Earth Stood StillThe less impressive Keanu Reeves version, not
Cartoon Network Decodes Way to Eke More Viewers Out of Clone Wars
That way happens to be Clone Wars: Decoded, a pop-up-video-style re-run of the
Do You Know the Third Rule of Ghostbusting?
We all know not to cross the streams, but did you know the
The 10 Cereal Mascots that Are Probably Also Serial Killers
By Shaun ClaytonDon't pretend it hasn't occurred to you. You're watching the Trix
TR’s Heroes Live-Blog XX: Tequila!
<a href="" >TR's Heroes Live-blog XX</a>
Breaking: Michael Bay Is a Huge, Flaming Douchebag
I can't even talk about this on the first page, because it's actually
Who the @#$% Are the Dark X-Men? (Updated)
Okay, Marvel. I was down with your Dark Avengers. Although it was kind
Worst Fantasy Novel: And the Winner Is…
You guys schooled me this contest. I mean, I knew there was some