Monthly Archive:: November 2010
The 9 Most Amazing Back to the Future Items Up for Auction
?Back to the Future is 25 years old? Whoa, now that's heavy. Arguably
Commando: The Musical
The newest masterpiece from the guys behind the Robocop/Rambo/Total Recall musicals. Frankly, I
God Hates the Spider-Man Musical and All Who Work on It
?As well he should. On Friday, October 29th, Spidey musical actor Kevin Rubin
DVD Day: November 2nd, 2010:
?? The Goonies: 25th Anniversary Edition On Blu-ray, so you can see Sloth's
That’s an Awfully Big Head to Cut Off with a Chainsaw
There's going to be an Evil Dead game for iPhone, and for reasons
Quinlan Vos Enlists in the Clone Wars
The star of several of Dark Horse's Star Wars comics -- the by-no-means-saintly
Worst Halloween Costume: And the Winners Are…
?Did everyone have a good Halloween? I did, although I didn't really do
Play Zork… on a Typewriter
So... this is impressive. Jpnathan Guberman built a typewriter that... Oh, I'll just