Today in Probably Meaningless Evil Dead 4 News
?Bruce Campbell is officially on Twitter now (@GroovyBruce). That’s cool, but that’s not the news. The news is this: A “reliable source” told website Dread Central that director Sam Raimi’s editor Bob Murawski is in Detroit to start work on a new Evil Dead movie. Now, I wouldn’t even bother to post something that vague and difficult to substantiate — we’ve all been burned by Evil Dead 4 announcements in the past, after all — except that someone asked Campbell on Twitter about the rumor, and he said:
“Believe in the remake, dawg! The project is real. In the works. Cool as hell. Scary as hell.”
So… that’s something, I guess? I still don’t think Evil Dead 4 will ever happen, though. First of all, Raimi is making his Wizard of Oz movie right now anyways, and second, we’ve had Raimi himself announce that he was making ED4 in the past, and it still hasn’t happened. But most of all, in a world where Duke Nukem Forever and A Dance with Dragons have actually been completed and released, there has to be something non-existent we nerds can long for. Right? (Via First Showing)