
Your Topless Robot 2012 SDCC Schedule of Nonsense

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Hey, folks. I’m currently in Chicago during a 4-hour layover with a bad attitude and terrible beer, but before my computer dies, I wanted to let the new folks know how this week and weekend is gonna go:

? I will update whenever I can, which will usually be between 11am and 10pm. I will try to post all the news I feel worth covering for every sector of nerdery.
? There will be NO contest this weekend. With all the news happening over the weekend, a contest would just get lost in the hubbub.
? There may be an FFF this Friday. I will try, but shit could come up. Just sayin’.
? Monday the 16th I will report whatever news straggled out of the con while I was trying to get home, and I’ll be taking Tuesday the 17th off.
? There will be Daily Lists tomorrow and Friday, but not next Monday and Tuesday.
But there’s more news than just the work I will and won’t be doing at SDCC. It’s come to my attention that our Erotic Fan Fic Author Laureate, has put down his erotic fan fic-writing poen, which I imagine is quite sticky and sounds funny. Since Abraxas has been a part of the TR peanut gallery for years (even since I posted a fan fic of his, the truly insane Esnovelotoris Amateuris) I felt I had to commemorate this momentous, and a little sad, occasion. The only way I can pay tribute to the good Doc is to run one of his fan fics on FFF — not this weekend, obviously, but soon. Check out his works here, ye mighty, and despair — and then let me know which one you want me to FFF.